All of Grant's Aero ł heat pumps can be wall mounted at a safe height, with the top of the unit no more than 2m above ground
level, where no specialist access equipment is required to provide a safe working place to carry out servicing or repairs. This wall bracket is designed for Grant's 6kW and 10kW air source heat pump units.
Air source heat pump wall bracket with a maximum weight limit of 90kg
Useful for installations where floor space is limited
Suitable for wall mounting Aero ł 6kW and 10kW models
When wall mounting the 13kW and 17kW heat pump units, it is the responsibility of the installer to select a suitable mounting method
Technical specification
Waist Sizeaa29cd14fwTypeHeat Pump Wall BracketSupplier Part NumberHPIDWALLBRKT2Brand NameGrant
Grant Heat pump wall bracket (M- Type up to 90kg) (compatible with Aerona³ R32 models only) HPIDWALLBRKT2