What Causes Low Water Pressure?
There are many potential causes of low water pressure. The most common cause is having a leak in your plumbing system which would need to be identified quickly as this could cause a lot of water damage to your property.
Pressure-reducing valves could be another cause for you to experience low pressure. This is because pressure-reducing valves, as the name suggests, are designed to keep the water pressure in your home from getting too high, which are typically fitted on the main water supply pipe. This undoubtedly can cause your water pressure to be too low if the valve has not been set correctly.
Another common factor for low water pressure is simply based on how many of your neighbours currently have the water running, as you all draw water from the same water line. For example, if you use your water at peak times, say in the morning before work, you are more likely to have lower pressure than you would during the day.