
Don't miss the B.U.S… Boiler Upgrade Scheme Grant Increased for 2024

Published: 13 Oct 2023 ・ Read time: 5 mins
Don't miss the BUS…
With the price of energy soaring sky-high in recent years, many homeowners are looking for cheaper alternatives for heating, as well as more eco-friendly options.
With the recent news that the Boiler Upgrade Scheme has been increased, many homeowners are thinking long-term and taking advantage of the increased grants available to them.
With this recent update, homeowners with an ongoing live application are now urged to revoke their current application and reapply after October 23rd so they can take full advantage of the high grant level - so it's important to let your customers know.

What is the Boiler Upgrade Scheme?

The boiler upgrade scheme is an incentive for homeowners, allowing them to apply for a grant to cover part of the cost of replacing fossil fuel heating systems, such as a gas, oil, or electric boiler with either an air source heat pump, ground source heat pump, or biomass boiler.
Eligible homeowners who can apply for the boiler upgrade scheme grant must own the property they are applying for - including if it’s a business, a second home, or a property that is rented out to tenants.
Additionally, property owners must have installed or planned to install their new heating system on or after 1 April 2022 that replaces a fossil fuel heating system and has a valid energy performance certificate.
It is important to keep in mind that homeowners are unable to obtain a grant and might be denied if they have a hybrid heat pump system currently installed (that consists of a combination of gas boiler and air source heat pump.)
You can find more information about boiler upgrade scheme eligibility on the website.
Image 1 - Don't miss the B.U.S… Boiler Upgrade Scheme grant increased for 2024

Why is the Boiler Upgrade Scheme Important?

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme has been put in place to encourage property owners to replace their existing fossil fuel heating system with more efficient, low carbon heating alternatives - including air and ground source heat pumps and, in some circumstances, a biomass boiler - making it a great initiative towards a greener and sustainable environment. 
This is to help with reducing carbon emissions amidst the ever-growing climate crisis. 
By changing how we heat homes, we’ll be supporting the Government's net-zero strategy and providing financial support to those who need it the most, enabling homeowners to upgrade their boilers without any financial burden.
Did you know that housing stock and their energy are accountable for around 16% of UK emissions? This is why the Government plans to phase out gas boilers that are powered by fossil fuels and bring in energy-efficient and low-carbon alternatives to help with the decarbonisation of homes across England and Wales.
Overall, the Boiler Upgrade Scheme is a crucial effort towards a more energy-efficient and sustainable future for all.

What's Changing in the Boiler Upgrade Scheme?

From 23rd October 2023, the grant level for air source and ground source heat pumps will increase up to £7500.
This scheme has been updated as the Government would prefer to incentivise property and business owners to proactively change to a heat pump rather than forcing them to do so through a ban. 
Any homeowners and business owners who already have a live application for the grant, installers need to advise clients that it's recommended to withdraw their applications so they can re-apply on or after the 23rd of October to receive the increased grant.
Sadly, however - anyone who has already redeemed the voucher won't be eligible for the grant uplift.
Image 2 - Don't miss the B.U.S… Boiler Upgrade Scheme grant increased for 2024

How to Apply to the Boiler Upgrade Scheme?

As an installer, you will be the first to determine if your clients are eligible for the boiler upgrade scheme.
The scheme is designed to assist those who need help with the cost of upgrading their boiler to a more energy-efficient model.
Your clients will need to seek out a BUS-registered contractor, so as an installer, you must be an MCS-certified installer. (Learn more about our accredited renewables training partnership with GTEC here)
You will then need to provide your client with a quote for the installation job. Once the quote has been agreed and accepted between yourself and the client, you will need to apply on behalf of your client on the Ofgem website.
What happens next?
Ofgem will then contact your client to confirm that you are acting on their behalf - they might also contact your client by phone or visit the property in order to check the installation.
This process can take up to 4 weeks for Ofgem to get in contact to arrange the grant survey. As an MCS installer, you may even want to carry out your own checks as well as book an installation date for your client.
Here at City Plumbing, we have a wide range of energy-efficient and low-carbon products available to purchase, such as air-source and ground-source heat pumps, as well as biomass boilers to choose from.
Remember that you must be MCS accredited to install your client's new heating source.
If you require further information regarding the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, get in touch or visit your local City Plumbing branch.
Author: Alexis Webster

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